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Spring 2025 Player Registration

**Spring 2025 Registration Coming Soon!** Click the link above (dark blue) to register for fall soccer. Below are the details for the fall season: 

WHO: 1st - 5th Graders

WHAT: Millennium Soccer meets once a week for six-weeks. Players spend 10 minutes warming up, about 45 minutes practicing new skills with games, activities, and drills, and 30 minutes scrimmaging other groups. Snack is provided to all players at the end.

WHEN: Saturdays from 9:30am - 11:00am

April 26
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
[June 7, Rain Date, as needed]

WHERE: Your family can choose the location that is the easiest for you to get to. Location options are:

1. Leopold Elementary (2602 Post Road)
2. Huegel Elementary (2601 Prairie Road)
3. Lincoln Elementary (909 Sequoia Trail)
4. Marlborough Park (2222 Whenona Drive)
5. Warner Park (2930 N Sherman Ave)